[PYTHON] I tried Kivy's mapview


There was an add-on (MapView) that displays a map in a project that manages Kivy add-ons called Kivy Garden, so I tried it. Details of Garden are below https://kivy.org/docs/api-kivy.garden.html You can install it with pip. pip install kivy-garden


For the time being, read the README on Github and prepare. https://github.com/kivy-garden/garden.mapview First, install the required environment. pip install futures requests Next, install mapview. garden install mapview

Now you are ready to go.

Try using MapView

For the time being, I will display a map centered on Tokyo Station.


from kivy.garden.mapview import MapView
from kivy.app import App

class MapViewApp(App):
    def build(self):
        mapview = MapView(zoom=15, lat=35.681382, lon=139.766084)
        return mapview

The execution result is as follows. A map centered on Tokyo Station was displayed. image

Next, try displaying a marker at the location of Tokyo Station. Rewrite the code as follows.


from kivy.garden.mapview import MapView, MapMarkerPopup
from kivy.app import App

class MapViewApp(App):
    def build(self):
        mapview = MapView(zoom=15, lat=35.681382, lon=139.766084)
        marker1 = MapMarkerPopup(lat=35.681382, lon=139.766084) 
        return mapview

When I looked at the execution result, the marker was displayed well. image

So it was very easy to display the map. By the way, the map called in MapView is that of OpenStreetMap. (http://www.openstreetmap.org/)

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