[PYTHON] I tried PyQ

What is PyQ?

It is a paid service for studying Python provided by Bee Proud Co., Ltd. (https://pyq.jp/)

Good point

Since all the work is completed in the browser, you can study from any computer without the need for environment settings. You can see the questions, answers, editors, execution results, and terminals all on one screen. (The authority of the terminal is limited.) Since the course items range from basic programming learning to full-scale web application production, it is suitable for beginners to advanced users. ↓ Work screen (as of June 27, 2017) スクリーンショット 2017-06-21 18.35.02.png

important point

On the contrary, the environment setting is not explained, so you have to do it by yourself to create the execution environment on your own PC. It's hard to understand from the Django section, so you'll need to learn along with the official documentation. https://www.djangoproject.com/

Suitable for such a person

・ People who want to study programming firmly ・ People who are interested in creating EC sites ・ People who use Python in business

### Impressions I tried using It was a very kind and easy-to-use setting in this kind of study service. Since there are many problems, it will take some time to do all of them, but I felt a sense of accomplishment because the cleared items are displayed so that they can be seen. If you have programming experience, you can solve the first half without any problems. In the second half, I will create a specialized web application using the Django framework, but I found it difficult to solve because there is not as much explanation as in the first half. Many of the PyQ application courses are in the process of being opened, and it seems that more web programming learning content will be added in the future.

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