[PYTHON] Post to Slack via Subscriber

I posted to Slack via ROS Subscriber. As usual, we do not consider demand.

You can easily connect to Slack using SlackClient.


pip install slackclient

Put the Slack Web API library in pip. (What should I do with ROS as a virtual environment?)


I'm posting to Slack with a Subscriber callback. Channels and user names may be parameterized.


#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy

from std_msgs.msg import String
from slackclient import SlackClient

token = "TOKEN" #Token is https://api.slack.com/Make on the web
username = "ros"
channel = "#ros"

sc = SlackClient(token)

def callback(message):
    print sc.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=message.data, username=username)

sub = rospy.Subscriber("postMessage", String, callback)


chmod +x sc.py

Publish using rostopic from another console.

rostopic pub /postMessage std_msgs/String -- 'hoge'

Now, if you look at the Slack screen, you should see a message from ROS.

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