Post a message from IBM Cloud Functions to Slack in Python


  1. Set Incoming Webhook on target channel in Slack
  2. Create an action with IBM Cloud functions

1. Set Incoming Webhook on target channel in Slack

Check the Slack documentation to get the URL.

· [Using Incoming Webhooks in Slack] ( · [Sending messages using Incoming Webhooks] (

=> ”” Get a URL like

2. Create an action with IBM Cloud functions

Log in to the IBM Cloud console-> Go to Functions

・ [Create Action] ( Create an action from the console.

** It is assumed that the IBM Cloud Function service has already been created. スクリーンショット 2020-06-09 9.08.20.png

-> create スクリーンショット 2020-06-09 9.10.11.png -> Select Action

スクリーンショット 2020-06-09 9.10.23.png

-> Specify the action name and package, and select Python as the runtime.

Enter the Code. Sample code

import requests
import json

def main(dict):

 body={'username':'Alert','icon_emoji':':star:','text':'IBM Cloud Functions Test'}

 url = "" #<-URL obtained from Slack
 response =,data=json.dumps(body))
 return {"message" : "IBM Cloud Functions test post to slack"}

Enter usename, icom_emoji, and text (message) in the body part.

For other options, refer to the manual. ・ Chat.postMessage (

スクリーンショット 2020-06-09 9.12.22.png -> Press Save at the top right of the code.

スクリーンショット 2020-06-09 9.27.25.png

-> The Save button changes to Invoke. Perform Invoke. (URL is replaced with the target content)

スクリーンショット 2020-06-09 9.21.18.png

-> The execution result is output in the right column of the code.

As a result, the Slack channel will be notified as follows: スクリーンショット 2020-06-08 19.47.01.png

that's all.

reference: -IBM Cloud Functions

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