Post an article with an image to WordPress with Python


When writing a blog article with WordPress, it is a memorandum that I checked if I could post an article with an image from Python as it is by inserting a graph aggregated with Python.

How to post from Python to WordPress

It seems that there are two types of methods, but here I used Python-wordpress-xmlrpc.


usage environment

$python -V
Python 3.8.3


Install python-wordpress-xmlrpc with pip. I'm using Anaconda, so I originally wanted to install it with conda, but I couldn't find it.

pip install python-wordpress-xmlrpc

Sample code for posting an article with an image

# import
import os
from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods import media
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import GetPosts, NewPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.users import GetUserInfo

def upload_image(in_image_file_name, out_image_file_name):
    if os.path.exists(in_image_file_name):
        with open(in_image_file_name, 'rb') as f:
            binary =

        data = {
            "name": out_image_file_name,
            "type": 'image/png',
            "overwrite": True,
            "bits": binary

        media_id =['id']
              [-1], 'Upload Success : id=%s' % media_id)
        return media_id
        print(in_image_file_name.split('/')[-1], 'NO IMAGE!!')

# Set URL, ID, Password
WORDPRESS_PW = "YourPassword"
WORDPRESS_URL = "YourURL/xmlrpc.php"

# Picture file name & Upload
imgPath = "picture.png "
media_id = upload_image(imgPath, imgPath)

# Blog Title
title = "Article title"

# Blog Content (html)
body = """

<p>Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body</p>


<figure class="wp-block-image alignwide size-large">
<img src="YourURL/wp-content/uploads/year/month/%s" alt="" class="wp-image-%s"/>

""" %(imgPath, media_id)

# publish or draft
status = "draft"

#Category keyword
cat1 = 'category1'
cat2 = 'category2'
cat3 = 'category3'

#Tag keyword
tag1 = 'tag1'
tag2 = 'tag2'
tag3 = 'tag3'

slug = "slug"

# Post
post = WordPressPost()
post.title = title
post.content = body
post.post_status = status
post.terms_names = {
    "category": [cat1, cat2, cat3],
    "post_tag": [tag1, tag2, tag3],
post.slug = slug

# Set eye-catch image
post.thumbnail = media_id

# Post Time = - datetime.timedelta(hours=9)


I think there is a better way to write the image link, but if I find an improvement, I'll fix it.


It is very easy because you can process the data with Python, create a graph, make an article with a graph as it is, post it to WordPress and automate it. I want to utilize it from now on.

Reference site

I referred to various articles. Thank you very much.

-Automatically post to wordpress with Python (python-wordpress-xmlrpc)

-Post from python to WordPress & upload images

-Post to WordPress with Python and get list

-[python] Automatic posting to WordPress

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