[GO] Prime number 2 in Python

Continuation of Prime numbers in Python and Prime numbers in Haskell 2. Iterators and generators were unclear, so I'll try a prime number generator.

This is the one I usually see.

from itertools import ifilter, count, dropwhile
def sieve():
  g = count(2)
  while True:
    prime = g.next()
    yield prime
    g = ifilter(lambda x, prime=prime: x % prime, g)

first_prime_GE_sieve = (lambda n , ps = sieve() : 
  (dropwhile( lambda x : x < n, ps ) ).next()
print first_prime_GE_sieve(52951)

(All results are the maximum number that can be calculated in paiza.io without time out. Not always the same, but as a measure of speed.)

I see. It feels like sifting an infinite length iterator while outputting a prime number. Well done.

Once you understand the contents, you will notice that it is the same as the comment code you received above. Only the difference between a function and an object.

Isn't it too fast?

How to do it in the Haskell area.

primes :: Integral a => [a]
primes = map fromIntegral $ [2, 3] ++ primes'

primes'  = [5] ++ recursivePrimes 1 7 primes'

recursivePrimes m s (p : ps) = 
  zonedPrimes m s p ++ recursivePrimes (m * p) (p * p) ps

zonedPrimes m s p = 
  [n | n <- croppedPrimables s p, gcd m n == 1] 

croppedPrimables s p = 
  [x + y | x <- [s, s + 6 .. p * p - 6], y <- [0, 4]]
main = print . take 1 . dropWhile (<24684009) $ primes

It is transformed so that it is easy for you to understand. The original is here.

It feels like calculating little by little and building up. It's pretty fast.

I'll bring it over there.

Let's try this algorithm in Python.

from fractions import gcd
from itertools import chain, tee, dropwhile

cropped_primables = (lambda s, p :
  [x + y for x in xrange(s,p * p - 5, 6) for y in [0, 4]]

zoned_primes = (lambda m, s, p :
  [n for n in cropped_primables(s, p) if gcd(m, n) == 1]

def primes() :
  primes_list = [2, 3, 5]
  last_prime = primes_list[-1] 
  primes_iter = iter(primes_list)

  seeds_iter = iter([])
  m = 1
  s = 7
  p = 5

  while True :
    prime = primes_iter.next()
    yield prime

    if prime == last_prime :
      primes_list = zoned_primes(m, s, p)
      last_prime = primes_list[-1]
      it1, it2 = tee(primes_list)
      primes_iter = it1
      seeds_iter = chain(seeds_iter, it2)
      m = m * p
      s = p * p
      p = seeds_iter.next()

first_prime_GE = (lambda n , ps = primes() : 
  (dropwhile( lambda x : x < n, ps ) ).next()
print first_prime_GE(3003079)

Haskell uses lazy evaluation, so what to do with Python?

However, as an algorithm, it is only necessary to know the next prime number, so I devised an iterator separately for returning a value and for calculating a prime number internally.

By the way, it's simple, but if you try Run once and measure the time with argument 100000 on IDLE

>>> measure_t(first_prime_GE,100000)

About 0.026 ms.

The one at the beginning

>>> measure_t( first_prime_GE_sieve,100000)

About 16 seconds.

Isn't it pretty fast?


I tried to avoid the runtime error above, but is it usually like this?

# coding: utf-8
from fractions import gcd
from itertools import chain, tee, dropwhile

cropped_primables = (lambda s, p :
  (x + y for x in xrange(s,p * p - 5, 6) for y in [0, 4])

zoned_primes = (lambda m, s, p :
  (n for n in cropped_primables(s, p) if gcd(m, n) == 1)

def primes() :
  primes_iter = iter([2, 3, 5])

  seeds_iter = iter([])
  m = 1
  s = 7
  p = 5

  while True :
    try :
      prime = primes_iter.next()
    except StopIteration :
      primes_base_iter = zoned_primes(m, s, p)
      it1,it2 = tee(primes_base_iter)
      primes_iter = it1
      seeds_iter = chain(seeds_iter, it2)
      m = m * p
      s = p * p
      p = seeds_iter.next()
    else :   
      yield prime

first_prime_GE = (lambda n , ps = primes() : 
  (dropwhile( lambda x : x < n, ps ) ).next()

print first_prime_GE(2728100)

Changed to catch and process StopIteration. Change to an iterator if it's not an array.

It looks neat. But it seems a little late.

Similarly, if you measure the execution time

>>> measure_t(first_prime_GE,100000)

0.034 ms.

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