[PYTHON] Change the suffix of django-filter / DateFromToRangeFilter

to write

If you use DateFromToRangeFilter () provided by django-filter, the suffix of the specified field will be _after and _before by default. It picks up the attached items and narrows them down to that range.

However, this time I wanted to pick up _from and _to and narrow down the range.

It took a while, so I will write it as a record.

I also mentioned it on GitHub.


Create a BlogModel with a created_at column and create an endpoint to get that list.


from django.db import models

class Blog(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)


from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer

from blogs.models import Blog

class BlogSerializer(ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Blog
        fields = '__all__'


from django_filters import rest_framework as filters

from blogs.models import Blog

class BlogFilter(filters.FilterSet):
    created_at = filters.DateFromToRangeFilter()

    class Meta:
        model = Blog
        fields = ['created_at']


from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.viewsets import ViewSet

from blogs.filters import BlogFilter
from blogs.models import Blog
from blogs.serializers import BlogSerializer

class BlogViewSet(ViewSet):
    def list(self, request):
        queryset = Blog.objects.all()
        queryset = BlogFilter(data=request.GET, queryset=queryset, request=request).qs
        serializer = BlogSerializer(queryset, many=True)
        return Response(serializer.data)


from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter

from blogs.views import BlogViewSet

router = DefaultRouter(trailing_slash=False)


urlpatterns = router.urls

Finally, create a record in the Blog table on February 24, 2020.

>>> blog1 = Blog.objects.create(title='blog1')
<Blog: Blog object (1)>
>>> blog1.created_at
datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 24, 5, 54, 52, 859528, tzinfo=<UTC>)

You can now specify the range by passing the query parameters created_at_after and created_at_before to / blogs.

>>> curl 'http://localhost:18000/blogs?created_at_after=2020-02-01&created_at_before=2020-02-02'

>>> curl 'http://localhost:18000/blogs?created_at_after=2020-02-01&created_at_before=2020-02-28'


What I want to do this time is to change the default suffix _after, _before.

I thought about finding the setting and overriding it if possible.

Let's take a look inside DateFromToRangeFilter. DateFromToRangeFilter(GitHub)

Then you can see that the suffix is set like this in DateRangeWidget (GitHub). It was.

class DateRangeWidget(RangeWidget):
    suffixes = ['after', 'before']

It's used in DateRangeField (GitHub).

From the above

  1. Create a Custom Widget
  2. Create CustomDateRangeField
  3. Create CustomDateFromToRangeFilter I decided to implement it like this.


1. Create a Custom Widget

Make sure the suffix is _from, _to


from django_filters.widgets import DateRangeWidget

class CustomDateRangeWidget(DateRangeWidget):
    suffixes = ['from', 'to']

2. Create CustomDateRangeField

Create a Field to use for Filter using CustomWidget.


from django_filters.fields import DateRangeField

from blogs.widgets import CustomDateRangeWidget

class CustomDateRangeField(DateRangeField):
    widget = CustomDateRangeWidget

3. Create CustomDateFromToRangeFilter

Create a Filter using the CustomDateRangeField created in 2.


from django_filters import rest_framework as filters

from blogs.fields import CustomDateRangeField
from blogs.models import Blog

class CustomDateRangeFilter(filters.DateFromToRangeFilter):
    field_class = CustomDateRangeField

class BlogFilter(filters.FilterSet):
    # created_at = filters.DateFromToRangeFilter()
    created_at = CustomDateRangeFilter()

    class Meta:
        model = Blog
        fields = ['created_at']

Of course, the default _after and _before cannot be used.

I will confirm it.

_after,_Try not to be able to use before
>>> curl 'http://localhost:18000/blogs?created_at_after=2020-02-01&created_at_before=2020-02-02'

>>> curl 'http://localhost:18000/blogs?created_at_after=2020-02-01&created_at_before=2020-02-28'

_from, _Try to work as expected
>>> curl 'http://localhost:18000/blogs?created_at_from=2020-02-01&created_at_to=2020-02-02'

>>> curl 'http://localhost:18000/blogs?created_at_from=2020-02-01&created_at_to=2020-02-28'

With the above, the suffix can be changed.


I haven't used django-filter at all, but it's very convenient.

If anyone knows that "this can be solved more easily", I would be grateful if you could let me know.

__Thank you very much! __

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