[Python] Add total rows to Pandas DataFrame

One of the following two is recommended.

def append_sum_row(df):
    return df.append(df.sum(numeric_only=True), ignore_index=True)
def append_sum_row_label(df):
    df.loc['Total'] = df.sum(numeric_only=True)
    return df


If you try using each, it will be as follows. I think it is better to use it properly depending on whether or not the row label (index) is used.


import pandas as pd

def append_sum_row(df):
    return df.append(df.sum(numeric_only=True), ignore_index=True)

def append_sum_row_label(df):
    df.loc['Total'] = df.sum(numeric_only=True)
    return df

data_frame = pd.DataFrame([
    ["A", 100, 200],
    ["B", 300, 400],
    ["C", 500, 600]

print("append_sum_row:", append_sum_row(data_frame), sep="\n")
print("append_sum_row_label:", append_sum_row_label(data_frame), sep="\n")


     0      1       2
0    A  100.0   200.0
1    B  300.0   400.0
2    C  500.0   600.0
3  NaN  900.0  1200.0

         0      1       2
0        A  100.0   200.0
1        B  300.0   400.0
2        C  500.0   600.0
Total  NaN  900.0  1200.0

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