6 ways to string objects in Python

Related: % and str.format () in Python. Which one do you use?

There was a mention of f-strings above, but I feel that it is not the only way to convert to strings. Here are some notes that you can think of.

str () and repr ()

>>> import datetime
>>> d = datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 1, 12, 12, 0, 0)
>>> str(d)
'2017-09-01 12:12:00'
>>> repr(d)
'datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 1, 12, 12)'
>>> eval(repr(d))
datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 1, 12, 12)

repr (obj) internally calls ʻobj.repr (), and str (obj) internally implements ʻobj.__str__ (), otherwise ʻobj. repr () `is called and used instead.

The result of repr (obj) is expected to be a Python expression if possible, but this is not always the case. In the datetime example above, a string that can be evaluated with ʻeval () `is returned.

There is no requirement that the result of str (obj) should be a Python expression, and it is common to prioritize a human-readable format.

When you say "convert an object into an easy-to-read string", you can think of, for example, the pprint module. It seems that it uses ʻobj.repr () . Well, it's impossible to grasp the structure from the result of __str __ ()`.

% Operator and string method str.format ()

It was the subject of the above article. I think it is the most important in everyday development, but it is omitted.


A notation introduced in Python 3.6 that allows you to write Python expressions directly inside a string.

PEP 498 -- Literal String Interpolation

An example of FizzBuzz.

>>> print(*[f"{'Fizz'*(not i%3)}{'Buzz'*(not i%5)}" or i for i in range(1,31)], sep='\n')

I refer to Reddit's "a Py3.6 fizzBuzz oneliner with f-strings", but map () I changed to using list comprehension rather than using list comprehension recently, so I changed it (reduce () may have dropped the library).

Just in case, the * at the beginning of the argument ofprint ()indicates the unpacking of the list.

In terms of type checking, at least mypy 0.521 looks inside f-strings.

$ mypy --version
mypy 0.521
$ cat /tmp/test.py
def func(a: int) -> int:
    return a ** 2

$ python /tmp/test.py
$ mypy /tmp/test.py
/tmp/test.py:4: error: Argument 1 to "func" has incompatible type "float"; expected "int"

Unfortunately, I often use 3.5 or earlier, so I haven't taken the initiative to unify it. However, in the future, I think there is a possibility that f-strings will become the center, overcoming str.format ().

Template string

[https://docs.python.jp/3/library/string.html#template-strings](template string)

The old-fashioned feature of template strings is to replace $ variables, which is built into Python. I will briefly introduce the above sample.

>>> from string import Template
>>> s = Template('$who likes $what')
>>> s.substitute(who='tim', what='kung pao')
'tim likes kung pao'

Unfortunately, HTML escaping etc. are not supported. I rarely see it personally, but I have considered using it.


The title says six, but there are still some standard Python features.

There should be other ways to stringify using an external library such as jinja2. Of course, if you make it yourself, you will have more choices.

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