[PYTHON] How to use Jupyter on the front end of supercomputer ITO

In Supercomputer ITO, Front End By using / system / ITO / frontend /), you can interactively perform large-scale work in a relatively long time, which cannot be done with a login node. Resources to be used in advance are available from the front-end reservation system (Japanese environment, [English Make a reservation at Environment). Log in to the front-end node via the login node using SSH agent forwarding and X11 forwarding with the assigned Floating IP. When making a reservation, select an option according to the hardware, usage pattern, and contract conditions. The minimum usage time that can be reserved is 4 hours, and the maximum usage time is 7 days. It takes an hour or two to prepare the system, so you need to make a reservation with plenty of time. Floating IP will be notified by email. Here is an example of connecting from Chrome to the front end Jupyter (Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab) using MobaXterm of the client (Windows 10 Pro). It is based on the Official Guide.

Preparation: Enable SSH agent

Click Settings-> Configuration-> SSH in MoberXterm. Check ʻUse internal SSH agent "MobAgent" of SSH agentsat the bottom, click the+ mark to the right of the box below it, and enter the private key (extension is ppk). ) Add and click ʻOK button (ʻOK button). In addition, it is a good idea to check SSH keepalive in Settings-> Configuration-> SSH` of MobaXterm to prevent SSH from being cut off due to timeout. These tasks need to be done only once.


The Floating IP sent by email is different each time, but it is an IP address such as In the following, this will be read as Floating_IP.

Ssh login from login node to frontend node

At the terminal of the login node, log in to the front-end node. If all you have to do is log in to the frontend node, this is the end of the procedure.

$ ssh -A -Y Floating_IP
# Floating_IP is emailed, 172.18.32.An IP address such as 191.

Start Jupyter on the frontend node

On the logged-in front-end node, start Jupyter (--no-browser) without launching the browser.

#For Jupyter Notebook
$ jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8888 --no-browser
#For JupterLab
$ jupyter lab --ip= --port=8888 --no-browser

As a result, the following display will appear near the end. Copy and paste this part into the URL of the client browser later.

Build an access route to Jupyter with local port forwarding

Click + next to the MobaXterm tab to open a new terminal. This is called a local terminal. In this local terminal do the following:

ssh -o ProxyCommand='ssh -W %h:%p %[email protected]' Floating_IP -l m00000a -L 8888:localhost:8888
# Floaint_IP is emailed, 172.18.32.An IP address such as 191.
#m00000a is a user account.

After waiting for a while, the supercomputer terminal will appear, so wait until then.

Access the above URL in the client browser

Paste the URL ( that appeared when you started Jupyter on the frontend node into the URL of the client browser (for example, Chrome on Windows). Access. Jupyter will now appear in the client's browser. Note: When copying a URL with MobaXterm, just select the URL with the mouse. Not Ctrl-C.

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