[Python] Explains how to use the format function with an example

How to use python's format function

What you can do with the format function

  1. [You can substitute the value / string defined by the argument](# 1 Substitute the value string defined by the argument)
  2. [Multiple arguments can be set](Specify multiple values for # 2 argument)
  3. [Specify by index number](#Specify by presence or absence of index number)
  4. [Can use the same argument multiple times](#Call multiple times)
  5. [Same order](when there are multiple # arguments)
  6. [Can be set with character string / numerical value / variable](# 3 Set with character string numerical variable)
  7. [Wide width](# 4 Widen width)
  8. [Left-justified, right-justified, center-justified](# 5 Specify text alignment align)
  9. [Fill in blanks](# 7 Fill in blanks)
  10. [Fill with zero](#Fill with zero)
  11. [Fill with any character](#Fill with any character)
  12. [Set comma in thousands](# Set comma in thousands)
  13. [Display% (100 times numerical value)](# 8 100 times numerical value displayed)
  14. [Add a sign to the number](# 9 Add a sign to the number)
  15. [Specify the number of decimal places](# 10 Specify the number of decimal places)
  16. [Fixed-point notation (e)](# 11 Fixed-point notation e)
  17. [Specify variable in argument](# 12 Specify variable in argument)
  18. [Convert date data to specified character string](# 13 Convert date data to specified character string)

## How to use the format function ### (1) Substitute the value / character string defined in the argument ** Basic syntax ** `{}.format(A)` └ The contents of A are in {}

Example (basic form)

'{}The weather at the station is sunny'.format('Shibuya')

#'The weather at Shibuya station is sunny'

### (2) Specify multiple values for the argument `{n}.format(A,B,C,,,)` └ n: Specify the argument number (number) (from 0) └ 0 if no number is specified

Designation by presence / absence of index number

Example (no index number)

'{}The weather at the station is sunny'.format('Shibuya','Shinjuku','Mejiro','Ikebukuro')

#'The weather at Shibuya station is sunny'

Example (index number 0)

'{0}The weather at the station is sunny'.format('Shibuya','Shinjuku','Mejiro','Ikebukuro')

#'The weather at Shibuya station is sunny'

Example (index number 1)

'{1}The weather at the station is sunny'.format('Shibuya','Shinjuku','Mejiro','Ikebukuro')

#'The weather at Shinjuku station is sunny'

Example (index number 4)

'{4}The weather at the station is sunny'.format('Shibuya','Shinjuku','Mejiro','Ikebukuro')

#IndexError: Replacement index 4 out of range for positional args tuple

If there is no data corresponding to the index number, an error will occur.

### Call multiple times #### One argument `{0}{0}{0},,,.format(A)` └ The argument value is entered in the installed {0}

Example (call one argument multiple times)

'{0}Weather.{0}Ward,{0}The weather at the station is sunny'.format('Shibuya')

#'Shibuya weather. The weather at Shibuya Ward and Shibuya Station is sunny'

If 0 is not specified for the index number, an error will occur. Because the index number in {} is automatically set in order from 0.

Example (error case)

'{}Weather.{}Ward,{}The weather at the station is sunny'.format('Shibuya')

#IndexError: Replacement index 1 out of range for positional args tuple

#### When there are multiple arguments

Example (multiple arguments, no number specified)

'{}Weather.{}Ward,{}The weather at the station is sunny'.format('AAAA','BBBB','CCCC','DDDD')

#'AAAA weather. The weather at BBBB Ward and CCCC Station is sunny'

Index number is set automatically --First {} = {0} --Second {} = {1} --Third {} = {2} ・ ・ ・

Example (multiple arguments, number specified ①)

'{0}Weather.{1}Ward,{2}The weather at the station is sunny'.format('AAAA','BBBB','CCCC','DDDD')

#'AAAA weather. The weather at BBBB Ward and CCCC Station is sunny'

The result is the same as without a number.

Example (multiple arguments, number specified ②)

'{3}Weather.{2}Ward,{2}The weather at the station is sunny'.format('AAAA','BBBB','CCCC','DDDD')

#'DDDD weather. The weather at CCCC Ward and CCCC Station is sunny'

・ In no particular order ・ The same number can be set multiple times

### (3) Set with character strings, numbers, and variables

Example (set by character string, numerical value, variable)

mountain = 'Mt. Kitadake'
altitude = '3193'

'{}so{}The highest mountain{}.. The altitude is{}m'.format('Japan',2,mountain,altitude)

#'The second highest mountain in Japan is Mt. Kitadake. Altitude is 3193m'

・ Character string: Japan ・ Numerical value: 2 -Variable (character string): mountain ・ Variable (numerical value): altitude

### (4) Widen the width (width) `{:n}.format()` └ Formatting below ":" └ "n" 0 or more integers └ The unit is bytes └ The minimum width is the number of bytes of the argument

Example (width setting)

'{:2}Set gap in format'.format('A')

#output"'Set the gap in A format'」

-Argument "A": 1 byte -Width setting: 2 bytes ⇒ 2 bytes wide (1 byte gap)

Example (width setting "argument is larger")

'{:2}Set gap in format'.format('AAAAA')

#output"'Set gaps in AAAAA format'」

-Argument "AAAAA": 5 bytes -Width setting: 2 bytes ⇒ 5 bytes wide

Example (width setting "width 0")

'{:0}Set gap in format'.format('A')

#「ValueError: '=' alignment not allowed in string format specifier」

### (5) Specifying text alignment (align)
symbol Placement
< Left justified
^ Centered
> Right justified

** How to use ** {<n}.format() └ "<": Left justified. a line sign └ "n": width (integer greater than or equal to 0)

Example (left justified)

'{:<10}Set gap in format'.format('AAA')

#「'Set gaps in AAA format'」

Example (centered)

'{:^10}Set gap in format'.format('AAA')

#「'Set gaps in AAA format'」

Example (right justified)

'{:>10}Set gap in format'.format('AAA')

#「'Set gaps in AAA format'」

Example (set the placement individually)

'The first one"{:<7}". The second "{:^7}". Third "{:>7}」'.format('AAA','BBB',333)

# 'The first is "AAA". The second "BBB". The third "333"'

### (7) Fill in the blanks It is necessary to specify the arrangement.

Fill with zero

{0<n}.format() └ "0": Fill with 0 └ "<": Left justified. Placement specification

Fill with zero(Left justified)

'「{:0<10}Fill the gap with zero'.format('AAA')

# '"AAA0000000" Fill the gap with zero'

Fill with zero(Centered)

'「{:0^10}Fill the gap with zero'.format('AAA')

# '"000AAA0000" Fill the gap with zero'

If the gap is odd, there will be more behind.

Fill with zero(Right justified)

'「{:0>10}Fill the gap with zero'.format('AAA')

# '"0000000 AAA" Fill the gap with zero'

#### Fill with arbitrary characters `{@・ Only one digit can be filled ・ Both half-width and full-width are acceptable ・ Error for 2 digits or more

@Fill with(Left justified)

'「{:@<10}Fill the gap'.format('AAA')

# '「AAA@@@@@@@Fill the gap'

Fill with ★(Centered)

'「{:★^10}Fill the gap'.format('AAA')

# '"★★★ AAA ★★★★" Fill the gap'

Fill with the number 5(Right justified)

'「{:5<10}Fill the gap with zero'.format('AAA')

# '"AAA555 5555" Fill the gap with zero'

Character string of 2 digits or more (error)

'「{:★★^10}Fill the gap with zero'.format('AAA')

#Output (error)
# ValueError: Invalid format specifier

Two or more digits (error)

'「{:11<10}Fill the gap with zero'.format('AAA')

#Output (error)
# ValueError: Invalid format specifier

### (7) Set a comma in the thousands `'{:,}'.format()` └ Formatting below ":" └ "," Comma in thousands

Example (comma in thousands)


# '123,456,789'

### (8) Display% (100 times numerical value) `'{:.n%}'.format()` └ Formatting below ":" └ ".n" Number of digits after the decimal point (default 6) └ The number is multiplied by 100



# '100.000000%'



# '100%'

%display(2 digits after the decimal point)


# '100.00%'

%display(15 digits after the decimal point)


# '100.000000000000000%'

The default of 6 digits or more can be set.

### (9) Add a + sign to the numerical value `'{:+}'.format()` └ Formatting below ":" └ Add a plus / minus sign to "+"

The default is a minus sign only. └ Same as'{:-}'(no setting required)

Add a + sign

'The first"{:+}". The second "{:+}". Third "{:+}」'.format(-500, 300, 2.56)

# 'The first"-500 ". The second "+300 ". Third "+2.56」'

### (10) Specify the number of decimal places `'{:.nf}'.format()` └ Formatting below ":" └ ".n" Number of decimal places (integer from 0) └ Default ": .nf" None is for the input value └ Rounding

Decimal point(Default)


# '1.23'

Decimal point(2 digits)


# '1.23'

Decimal point(0 digits)


# '1'

Decimal point(12 digits)


# '1.234345678000'

### (11) Fixed-point notation (e) `'{:.ne}'.format()` └ Formatting below ":" └ Number of ".n" decimal points └ 6 decimal places without default ".n"

Fixed point (default)


# '1.234568e+08'

Fixed point (2 digits)


# '1.23e+08'

Fixed point (no decimal point)


# '1e+08'

Fixed point (argument is decimal)


# '1e+02'

### (12) Specify a variable in the argument `'{a}{b}{c},,,'.format(a='AAA',b=111,c='CCC')` └ Specify a variable in the argument └ Cannot be specified by index number └ Cannot be used with numbers or strings

Specify a variable in the argument

'{a}so{b}The highest mountain{c}。'.format(a='Japan',b=2,c='Mt. Kitadake')

# 'The second highest mountain in Japan is Mt. Kitadake.'

Variables and strings are in error

'{a}so{b}The highest mountain{2}。'.format(a='Japan',b=2,Mt. Kitadake)

# SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument

Variables and numbers are errors

'{a}so{1}The highest mountain{c}。'.format(a='Japan',2,c='Mt. Kitadake')

# SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument

Cannot be specified by index number

'{0}so{1}The highest mountain{2}。'.format(a='Japan',b=2,c='Mt. Kitadake')

# IndexError: Replacement index 0 out of range for positional args tuple

NG without index number specification

'{}so{}The highest mountain{}。'.format(a='Japan',b=2,c='Mt. Kitadake')

# IndexError: Replacement index 0 out of range for positional args tuple

### (13) Convert date data to the specified character string The date of the datetime module can be converted to the specified format (character string).

datetime.date type

import datetime as dt
past = dt.date(2017,1,3)

"{0:%Y year%#m month%#d day}".format(past)

# "{0:%Y year%#m month%#d day}".format(past)

datetime.datetime type

import datetime as dt
today = dt.datetime.now()

"{0:%Y year%m month%d day---%I time%M minutes%S seconds}".format(today)

# 'March 20, 2020---02:08:39'

Extract individually(Month and second)

import datetime as dt
today = dt.datetime.now()

"{0:%#m month,%S seconds}".format(today)

# 'March, 52 seconds'

Reference: [How to change the date format](https://qiita.com/yuta-38/items/337059e1eafab3582851#2-2format%E3%83%A1%E3%82%BD%E3%83%83] % E3% 83% 89% E3% 81% A7% E5% A4% 89% E6% 9B% B4% E3% 81% 99% E3% 82% 8B)

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