[PYTHON] Application development using SQLite with Django (PTVS)

What is SQLite

I will explain how to use SQLite. SQLite is the same relational database as MySQL, but it can be run as a standalone application instead of running as a server. Reference SQL is the default setting in Django!

App development with Django

I would like to port the previous app to SQLite. If you don't know PTVS, please refer to here to create a project!

Whole source code

This is the main task part!


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Definition of views.

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.http import HttpRequest
from django.template import RequestContext
from datetime import datetime
from app.models import Check_list

def list_tasks(request):
    entities = Check_list.objects.all()
    html = render_to_string('app/test.html', {'entities':entities})     
    return HttpResponse(html)

def add_task(request):     
    name = request.GET['name']     
    category = request.GET['category']
    entities = Check_list.objects.all()   
    html = render_to_string('app/test.html', {'entities':entities})     
    return HttpResponse(html)

def update_task(request):   
    name = request.GET['name']     
    category = request.GET['category']
    entities = Check_list.objects.all()
    html = render_to_string('app/test.html', {'entities':entities})     
    return HttpResponse(html)

The part that calls the function by URL


Definition of urls for DjangoWebProject4.

from datetime import datetime
from django.conf.urls import url
import django.contrib.auth.views

import app.forms
import app.views

# Uncomment the next lines to enable the admin:
from django.conf.urls import include
from django.contrib import admin

urlpatterns = [
    # Examples:
    url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
    url(r'^add_task$', app.views.add_task),
    url(r'^update_task$', app.views.update_task)

Database settings Here, Name and Category columns are set in the table called Check_list.


Definition of models.

from django.db import models

# Create your models here.
class Check_list(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField('Name', max_length=255)
    category = models.CharField('Category', max_length=255, blank=True)

Admin screen display If you don't ** list_display ** here, it will be in the database part of Django Check_list is not displayed even if I access it


from django.contrib import admin
from app.models import Check_list

class Check_listAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('id', 'name', 'category')
    list_display_links = ('id', 'name',)
admin.site.register(Check_list, Check_listAdmin)

Ordinary HTML with tables


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <h2>My Tasks</h2> <br>     
        <table border="1">
            {% for entity in entities %}     
                <form action="update_task" method="GET">
                        <td>{{entity.name}} <input type="hidden" name='name' value="{{entity.name}}"></td>     
                        <td>{{entity.category}} <input type="hidden" name='category' value="{{entity.category}}"></td>   
                        <td><input type="submit" value="Delete"></td> 
            {% endfor %}     
        <table border="1">
            <form action="add_task" method="GET">
                    ><td><input type="text" name="name"></input></td>
                    <td><input type="text" name="category"></input></td>
                    <td><input type="submit" value="add task"></input></td>


Right click on the project 【Python】▶︎【Django Create Superuser】 To select This allows you to create a superuser and log in to Django's Admin screen!

When I enter the password when creating it, it seems that an error occurs, but it just means that I will enter the password again, so please create a super user


Next, to reflect the Database settings 【Python】▶︎【Django Make Migrations】 【Python】▶︎【Django Make Migrate】 Execute and reflect each! Also, if you add or change a database If you do not execute it in the same way, it will not be reflected!



** RUN ** launches an app that can be deleted and added You can also access the Django database by ** / admin ** and see the table contents in the GUI! 1.png


Select [Web Apps] from [Publish] and deploy on Azure in the same way as here. After deploying ** [App Service] ▶ ️ [Overview] ▶ ️ [URL] ** You can confirm that the previous application is working by opening from

** * You can use SQL without having to use SQL data storage! ** ** 2.png

At the end

I was surprised that SQLite can be used as it is even if it is uploaded to Azure! However, I tried MySQL, but it didn't work after all, so I want to do something about it! Please let me know if you are familiar with it! !!

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