[PYTHON] Create an update screen with Django Updateview

Since the last time, I've been trying various things because I want to prevent the employee name and date from being edited.

I've been researching forms.py for a few hours (I haven't learned how to use it), but it didn't work.

Finally, I wondered what would happen if I did the same thing as the schedule and handed over what I did to hand over the employee name, and finally it worked.


class ScheduleUpdate(UpdateView):
    template_name = 'schedule/update.html'
    model = Schedule
    fields = ('user','date', 'shift_name_1', 'shisetsu_name_1', 'shift_name_2', 'shisetsu_name_2', 'shift_name_3', 'shisetsu_name_3','shift_name_4', 'shisetsu_name_4', 'day_total_worktime')
    success_url = reverse_lazy('schedule:homeschedule')

    #def get_queryset(self):
    #    return super().get_queryset().select_related('user')
    #    return super().get_queryset().select_related('schedule')

That was all. I got it by adding the last line


{% extends 'schedule/base.html' %}

{% block header %}
{% endblock header %}

{% block content %}
<form action="" method="POST">{% csrf_token %}
    <P >Employee name: {{ user.last_name }} {{ user.first_name }}</P>
    <p>date: {{ schedule.date }}</p>
    <p>Shift 1:{{ form.shift_name_1 }}</p> 
    <p>Facility name 1:{{ form.shisetsu_name_1 }}</p>  
    <p>Shift 2:{{ form.shift_name_2 }}</p> 
    <p>Facility name 2:{{ form.shisetsu_name_2 }}</p>  
    <p>Shift 3:{{ form.shift_name_3 }}</p> 
    <p>Facility name 3:{{ form.shisetsu_name_3 }}</p>  
    <p>Shift 4:{{ form.shift_name_4 }}</p> 
    <p>Facility name 4:{{ form.shisetsu_name_4 }}</p>
    <p>Total working hours:{{ form.day_total_worktime }}</p>
    <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="update">
    <a href="{% url 'schedule:homeschedule' %}" class="btn-secondary   btn active">Return</a>
{% endblock content %}


You've implemented it!


Next, I will try to make the total working hours possible ... I started doing it, but there was another problem!

I cannot return to the shift table from the screen I am editing from the update screen


class ScheduleUpdate(UpdateView):
    template_name = 'schedule/update.html'
    model = Schedule
    fields = ('shift_name_1', 'shisetsu_name_1', 'shift_name_2', 'shisetsu_name_2', 'shift_name_3', 'shisetsu_name_3','shift_name_4', 'shisetsu_name_4', 'day_total_worktime')
    year = Schedule.year
    month = Schedule.month
    #success_url = reverse_lazy('schedule:monthschedule', kwargs={"year": self.object.year})
    #success_url = HttpResponseRedirect('/schedule/monthschedule/%s/%s/' % (Schedule.year,Schedule.month,))
    success_url = reverse_lazy('/schedule/monthschedule/%s/%s/' % (year,month))

    #def get_url_success(self):
    #    url = "/schedule/monthschedulefunc/" + self.year +"/"+ self.month
    #    return HttpResponseRedirect(url)

    def get_queryset(self): ###I didn't need it ...
        #return super().get_queryset().select_related('user')
        #return super().get_queryset().select_related('schedule')
        #return super().get_queryset().select_related('Shift')

Trying various things, a little over 2 hours ... I have already given up

I will recreate it with the def function! Just because it's a function doesn't mean it can be done right away (laughs)

Challenge for the time being (⌒∇⌒)

It took about 2 hours, but it was possible! Finally I also used forms.py (it's still far from understanding, but it's important to change 0 to 1)



def scheduleUpdatefunc(request,pk):
    Schedule_list = Schedule.objects.get(pk = int(pk))
    User_list = User.objects.get(username = Schedule_list.user)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = ScheduleUpdateForm(data=request.POST)
        year = Schedule_list.year
        month = Schedule_list.month
        if form.is_valid():
            Schedule_list.shift_name_1 = form.cleaned_data['shift_name_1']
            Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_1 = form.cleaned_data['shisetsu_name_1']
            Schedule_list.shift_name_2 = form.cleaned_data['shift_name_2']
            Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_2 = form.cleaned_data['shisetsu_name_2']
            Schedule_list.shift_name_3 = form.cleaned_data['shift_name_3']
            Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_3 = form.cleaned_data['shisetsu_name_3']
            Schedule_list.shift_name_4 = form.cleaned_data['shift_name_4']
            Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_4 = form.cleaned_data['shisetsu_name_4']
            Schedule_list.day_total_worktime = form.cleaned_data['day_total_worktime']
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/schedule/monthschedule/%s/%s/' % (year,month,))

        item = {
            "shisetsu_name_1": Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_1,
            "shift_name_2": Schedule_list.shift_name_2,
            "shisetsu_name_2": Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_2,
            "shift_name_3": Schedule_list.shift_name_3,
            "shisetsu_name_3": Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_3,
            "shift_name_4": Schedule_list.shift_name_4,
            "shisetsu_name_4": Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_4,
        form = ScheduleUpdateForm(initial=item)
        context = {
            'form' : form,
            'Schedule_list': Schedule_list,
            'User_list': User_list,

        return render(request,'schedule/update.html', context )

The code is long, but most just connect which fields to which fields, so I was able to do it as soon as I started making it.



class ScheduleUpdateForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Schedule
        fields = ('shift_name_1', 'shisetsu_name_1', 'shift_name_2', 'shisetsu_name_2', 'shift_name_3', 'shisetsu_name_3','shift_name_4', 'shisetsu_name_4', 'day_total_worktime')
        #shift_name_1 = forms.ForeignKey(Shift, verbose_name='1 shift name', related_name='shift_name1',on_delete=models.SET_NULL,null= True)
        #shisetsu_name_1 = forms.ForeignKey(Shisetsu, verbose_name='1 facility', related_name='shisetsu_name1',on_delete=models.SET_NULL,blank=True, null=True)
        #shift_name_2 = forms.ForeignKey(Shift, verbose_name='2 shift name', related_name='shift_name2',on_delete=models.SET_NULL,blank=True, null=True)
        #shisetsu_name_2 = forms.ForeignKey(Shisetsu, verbose_name='2 facilities', related_name='shisetsu_name2',on_delete=models.SET_NULL,blank=True, null=True)
        #shift_name_3 = forms.ForeignKey(Shift, verbose_name='3 shift name', related_name='shift_name3',on_delete=models.SET_NULL,blank=True, null=True)
        #shisetsu_name_3 = forms.ForeignKey(Shisetsu, verbose_name='3 facilities', related_name='shisetsu_name3',on_delete=models.SET_NULL,blank=True, null=True)
        #shift_name_4 = forms.ForeignKey(Shift, verbose_name='4 shift name', related_name='shift_name4',on_delete=models.SET_NULL,blank=True, null=True)
        #shisetsu_name_4 = forms.ForeignKey(Shisetsu, verbose_name='4 facilities', related_name='shisetsu_name4',on_delete=models.SET_NULL,blank=True, null=True)

Since the input control was not linked well at first, there is evidence of pasting from models (laugh)

I edited the html a little


{% extends 'schedule/base.html' %}

{% block header %}
{% endblock header %}

{% block content %}
<form action="" method="POST">{% csrf_token %}
    <P >Employee name: {{ User_list.last_name }} {{ User_list.first_name }}</P>
    <p>date: {{ Schedule_list.date }}</p>
    {{ form.as_p }}
    {% csrf_token %}
    <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="update">
    <a href="{% url 'schedule:homeschedule' %}" class="btn-secondary   btn active">Return</a>
{% endblock content %}

Now you can return to the month you are editing by pressing the update button on the correction screen.



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