[PYTHON] 100 language processing knock 2020 [00 ~ 49 answer]

This article is a continuation of 100 Language Processing Knock 2020 [00 ~ 39 Answers].

This article deals with Chapter 5, 40-49, but most of the problems are written in the form of adding functionality to the previous problem, so only 48, 49 codes are calculated. If you would like to see them individually, please refer to the links below.


Language processing 100 knock 2020 Chapter 5: Dependency analysis answer

48. Extracting paths from nouns to roots

import itertools
class Morph:
    def __init__(self, surface, base, pos, pos1):
        self.surface = surface
        self.base = base
        self.pos = pos
        self.pos1 = pos1
    def show(self):
        print (self.surface, self.base, self.pos, self.pos1)
class Chunk:
    def __init__(self, sentence_id, chunk_id, dst, srcs):
        self.sentence_id = sentence_id
        self.chunk_id = chunk_id
        self.morphs = []
        self.dst = dst
        self.srcs = srcs
        self.has_noun = False
        self.has_verb = False
        self.has_particle = False
        self.surfaces = ''
        self.first_verb = None
        self.particle = []
        self.sahen_wo = False

    def show_morphs(self):
        morphs = ''
        for morph in self.morphs:
            morphs += morph.surface
        print ("morphs:",morphs)
    def show_chunk_id(self):
        print ("==========")
        print ("chunk_id:",self.chunk_id)
    def show_sentence_id(self):
        if (self.chunk_id == 0):
            print ("====================")
            print ("sentence_id:",self.sentence_id)      
    def show_dst(self):
        print ("dst:",self.dst)     
    def show_srcs(self):
        print ("srcs:",self.srcs[self.chunk_id])          
path = 'neko.txt.cabocha'
with open(path) as f:
    text = f.read().split('\n')
result = []
morphs = []
chunks = []
srcs = [[]]
chunk = None
sentence_id = 0
chunk_id = 0

for line in text[:-1]:
    if line == 'EOS':
        morphs = []
        sentence_id += 1
        chunk_id = 0
        srcs = [[]]

    elif line[0] == '*':
        if chunk:
        dst = int(line.split()[2][:-1])
        diff = dst + 1- len(srcs)
        ex = [[] for _ in range(diff)]
        if dst!=-1:
        chunk = Chunk(sentence_id, chunk_id, dst, srcs)
        chunk_id += 1
        ls = line.split('\t')
        d = {}
        tmp = ls[1].split(',')
        morph = Morph(ls[0],tmp[6],tmp[0],tmp[1])

sentences = [[] for _ in range(len(chunks))]
for chunk in chunks:
    morphs = ''
    for morph in chunk.morphs:
        morphs += morph.surface
        if morph.pos == 'noun':
            chunk.has_noun = True

def rec(sentence,d,ans):
    if d == -1:
        return ans
        return rec(sentence,sentence[d][1],ans+' -> '+sentence[d][0])

with open('48.txt', mode='w') as f:
    for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
        for s,d,has_noun in sentence:
            if has_noun:
                ans = rec(sentence,d,s)
                ans = ans.replace(" ","").replace("。","").replace("、","")
                print (ans)

49. Extraction of dependency paths between nouns

import itertools
class Morph:
    def __init__(self, surface, base, pos, pos1):
        self.surface = surface
        self.base = base
        self.pos = pos
        self.pos1 = pos1
    def show(self):
        print (self.surface, self.base, self.pos, self.pos1)
class Chunk:
    def __init__(self, sentence_id, chunk_id, dst, srcs):
        self.sentence_id = sentence_id
        self.chunk_id = chunk_id
        self.morphs = []
        self.dst = dst
        self.srcs = srcs
        self.has_noun = False
        self.has_verb = False
        self.has_particle = False
        self.surfaces = ''
        self.first_verb = None
        self.particle = []
        self.sahen_wo = False

    def show_morphs(self):
        morphs = ''
        for morph in self.morphs:
            morphs += morph.surface
        print ("morphs:",morphs)
    def show_chunk_id(self):
        print ("==========")
        print ("chunk_id:",self.chunk_id)
    def show_sentence_id(self):
        if (self.chunk_id == 0):
            print ("====================")
            print ("sentence_id:",self.sentence_id)      
    def show_dst(self):
        print ("dst:",self.dst)     
    def show_srcs(self):
        print ("srcs:",self.srcs[self.chunk_id])          
path = 'neko.txt.cabocha'
with open(path) as f:
    text = f.read().split('\n')
result = []
morphs = []
chunks = []
srcs = [[]]
chunk = None
sentence_id = 0
chunk_id = 0

for line in text[:-1]:
    if line == 'EOS':
        morphs = []
        sentence_id += 1
        chunk_id = 0
        srcs = [[]]

    elif line[0] == '*':
        if chunk:
        dst = int(line.split()[2][:-1])
        diff = dst + 1- len(srcs)
        ex = [[] for _ in range(diff)]
        if dst!=-1:
        chunk = Chunk(sentence_id, chunk_id, dst, srcs)
        chunk_id += 1
        ls = line.split('\t')
        d = {}
        tmp = ls[1].split(',')
        morph = Morph(ls[0],tmp[6],tmp[0],tmp[1])

sentences = [[] for _ in range(len(chunks))]
for chunk in chunks:
    morphs = ''
    for morph in chunk.morphs:
        morphs += morph.surface
        if morph.pos == 'noun':
            chunk.has_noun = True

def rec(sentence,d,ans):
    if d == -1:
        return ans
        return rec(sentence,sentence[d][1],ans+' -> '+sentence[d][0])

with open('48.txt', mode='w') as f:
    for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
        for s,d,has_noun in sentence:
            if has_noun:
                ans = rec(sentence,d,s)
                ans = ans.replace(" ","").replace("。","").replace("、","")
                print (ans)

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