[PYTHON] Easily build a development environment with Laragon

Everyone, how do you build the environment for learning, developing, and checking locally? Perhaps many people own a Mac and many use Docker.

I currently own an HP SPECTER X360 13, Windows 10 Home. It's Windows 10 Home. It's not powerless to say that it's a laptop, but while launching Vagrant, it's quite a fan enthusiast. And it's not fast at all. In addition, WSL2 and Docker for WSL have not yet been officially released at this time.

Then what should we do? コメント 2020-01-01 215211.png https://laragon.org/

This is Laragon. With AMP environment construction software for Windows ** Supports PHP, Node.js, Python, Java, Go, Ruby **, ** You can switch between using Apache or Nginx **. Let's install it now.

1. Installation

コメント 2020-01-01 215427.png https://github.com/leokhoa/laragon/releases

Let's drop the latest version from Github. If you are a beginner who has no experience in building an environment, choose laragon-full.exe. From now on, we will proceed based on this.

The default installation destination is C: \ Laragon so that it is easy to understand if you are not particular about it. Laragon 2020-01-12 164745.png

When using VS Code etc., leave "Add Sublime Text & Terminal" unchecked. Laragon 2020-01-12 164703.png By the way, Notepad ++, WinSCP, Putty, HeidiSQL Portable, etc. are installed, so you can develop with just this one installation.

2. Start

Let's start it. Laragon 2020-01-12 165644.png This screenshot shows PHP 7.4 because you can add it later yourself. When you press "Web", the host name is set to "localhost" and the port number is set to 8080. "http://localhost:8080/" The browser opens in the form of. HeidiSQL in "database" Start Cmder in "Terminal". "Root" displays the set root folder. The location displayed on the "web" will be the same. The settings are made with the settings that can be displayed from the gear mark on the upper right.

3. Add version

This time, I will introduce PHP as an example. https://windows.php.net/download/ I will download the one to use from. After unzipping the folder Add it to C: \ laragon \ bin \ php . For Python, it looks like C: \ laragon \ bin \ python . Laragon 2020-01-12 170749.png Select the version to use after adding from the menu on the upper left. Laragon 2020-01-12 171603.png From here, you can switch the language and version used at startup.

4. Let's use it hard!

Not currently compatible with Mac, if not all-purpose It is light and easy to use, so it helps you to work quickly in your spare time. It is especially recommended for those who are worried about the development environment with Windows 10 Home as the OS.

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